Oct 6, 2011
have a whole set of dice that are actually mine! Yay!
*jumps up
and down in excitement*
But anyway.
School. I hate
online classes. I wish I had more motivation. I hope I can keep up
with everything! This semester I am taking Mystery Fiction (lit
class), Intro to Word 1(which should be an easy class since I already
know how to use word), Western Civ, and The History of Rock. All
online. *sigh*
So far my favorites are Myst Fic and History of
Rock. I just need motivation for the other two.
I hope I find
it soon...its only the second week of the semester!
I had an interview at Wetseal today. I think it went well, but only
time will tell. I really hope I get it though because I can show my
tattoos/piercings! :D
Anyway. That's about it for my life at
the moment.
This entry was posted
on July 7, 2012
at Saturday, July 07, 2012
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